Sheldon Suter

Sun, 16.6.2024
Pavillon Le Corbusier
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Sheldon Suter’s solo project “Berceuses et Nocturnes” is one of those contemporary phenomena that resist any attempt at allocation to a specific musical genre. Out of his treasure of self-developed sounds Suter creates dreamy soundscapes that unobtrusively seduce us and never let go. Influenced by Indonesian gamelan and Erik Satie’s chimerical piano pieces, but also by Steve Reich’s minimalism and Morton Feldmann’s universe, Suter creates the multi-layered meditations of “Berceuses et Nocturnes” without needing to resort to loop machines, and immerses the audience in a hallucinatory night world enlivened by hypnagogic serenades and starry reveries.

Sheldon Suter: percussion, zither, shruti box, FX

The number of participants is limited. Register using the Pavillon website. Last-minute bookings are welcome, provided there are still places available.

Foto: Urs Schmid
CHF 10 plus museum fare
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