Collection Insights — Seven Perspectives

Thu, 25.1.2024
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Start: 7 pm

Welcome: Christian Brändle, director Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Introduction: Damian Fopp, curator of the exhibition, and Renate Menzi, curator of the exhibition and design collection, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

Which new objects has the museum recently added to its collection? Why is it investigating the origin of its existing holdings? How do designers, budding curators, and young people engage with the collection? This will be the first time the museum has devoted an entire exhibition to different views of its own collection. The seven perspectives have to do with analogue and digital design methods, virtual objects and provenance research, key figures in the history of Swiss graphic design and design in the public space. Taking these as its starting point, Collection Insights will examine selected objects in the collection from different angles and explore how the museum’s collecting, exhibiting, and educational activities are interconnected.

Design: Skala Design
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