Project documentation

Blickfelder Festival 2019: arts for a young audience

13 June, 2019

The festival center on the meadow in front of the museum has become a magnet for the district with a wide range of national and international artists, including dance, literature, theater, music, circus, art and design.


June 13-23, 2019


Blickfelder as a guest at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich on Ausstellungsstrasse

Project management museum

Nicola von Albrecht, Curator Education


Domenika Chandra and Franziska Hess, Education staff

Target group

young audience

About the project

Under the motto "Blickfelder poses questions", 71 school classes were involved in interdisciplinary projects alongside professional groups. The museum itself carried out six of its own projects that dealt intensively with the collections and exhibitions in the building. The results of Pop-Kissen, Ganz anders!, Heisse Ware: Design im Supermarktregal, Ding-Geschichten, Wie aus einem Stuhlbein eine Story wird and Zeichen setzen! were performed during Blickfelder, exhibited as interventions in the museum or published afterwards. Blickfelder opened up new spaces for dialog and participation in the museum. The youth-oriented questions broadened the view of the collections and exhibitions. With Blickfelder, the museum deepened existing collaborations in the education and culture sector and initiated numerous new ones, with which it continued to work in the long term, e.g. in the form of the Museumjung project.


Fotograf nimmt Foto von Frau vor Kunstwerken in Galerie auf.",
Eine Vitrine mit bunten Ausstellungsobjekten wird von jemandem mit den Mobiltelefon fotografiert.
Gebäude mit bemalter Wolkenkulisse auf der Wiese.
Holzstruktur auf einem Festivalgelände mit Kind im Vordergrund.",

In cooperation with schule&kultur, the Department of Education of the Canton of Zurich and Schulkultur Stadt Zürich, Theater Stadelhofen, JULL Junges Literaturlabor, ABZ Allgemeine Berufsschule Zürich and numerous external artists.