
Sebastião Salgado – Genesis

16.11.2018 – 23.6.2019

Glaciers, densely populated by seals, endless Sahara dunes or mist-covered mountains in the Amazon rainforest: Sebastião Salgado depicts the earth as a creation of overwhelming beauty and thus sharpens our awareness of its preciousness. On over 30 journeys to all corners of the world, the French-Brazilian has created a photographic essay that simultaneously documents the majesty and the vulnerability of our environment. Salgado has sailed across oceans, scaled mountains, and crossed deserts. He has observed animals and met indigenous peoples in his endeavor to capture their environment and culture. The exhibition is a dramatic manifesto that not only touches visitors with its opulent black-and-white photographs, but also raises open questions about how we deal with the planet.

Exhibition view
On the exhibition
Exhibition Poster

Sebastião Salgado – Genesis


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Children & co
Helping to shape things from an early age! Especially for children and their companions the museum offers workshops, guided tours and more.
The museum offers an inspiring learning environment and tours and workshops specifically designed for school children.
Above 16
Already created something today? The diverse mediation offering provides you with extraordinary insights into topics of design.
The museum creates offerings for people with and without disabilities to participate in together.