Claudio Strüby

Fri, 25.10.2024
Pavillon Le Corbusier
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“The drums alone are basically just noise,” says Claudio Strueby with a wink. The drummer spent his life wondering how to make music out of it, now venturing outside the comfort zone of the rhythm section for a solo performance at the Pavillon Le Corbusier. Reduced and repetitive sounds and beats, which Strüby has been quietly developing for some time, will be presented this evening. Visual support will be provided by light artist Ueli von Burg, “so the noise at least looks good.”

Claudio Strueby: Drums, Ueli von Burg: Lights

The number of participants is limited. Register using the Pavillon website. Last-minute bookings are welcome, provided there are still places available.

Foto: Tobias Stahel
CHF 10 plus museum fare
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