Evelinn Trouble (booked)

Fri, 6.10.2023
Pavillon Le Corbusier
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What to do when the heart stings and the soul trembles? When the days are too heavy and dark? Maybe art and music can help. Evelinn Trouble’s distinctive voice has the ability to embrace the listener and immediately trigger a cathartic experience. Her songs are gentle messages to lost souls, “I know how you feel and believe me, it will pass.” Her songs can brew like a thunderstorm and rear like a dragon: wake-up calls carried by Trouble’s manic expression, playful and terrifying at the same time. A phenomenon, to be experienced live when she performs solo at Pavillon Le Corbusier.

Evelinn Trouble – vocals, guitar

The number of participants is limited. Please register on the website of the Pavillon. Short-term participants are welcome, if there are still free places.

© Noelle Guidon
10 CHF + Eintrittspreis Museum
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