Lucien Hervé: Built Light

Thu, 4.7.2024
Pavillon Le Corbusier
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Imola Gebauer, curator and art historian, talks about the exhibition with Simon Marius Zehnder, curator and director of the Pavillon Le Corbusier

The exhibition shows both well-known and previously unpublished photographs from the work of Lucien Hervé. The direct juxtaposition of architecture from very different epochs or cultures is a method that Lucien Hervé has used several times to present his work and which he has found to his liking. This establishes a dialogue between the photographs of Le Corbusier’s buildings and those of other architects. The curator of the exhibition will provide an insight into this dialogue in a discussion. The talk will be held in English.

The number of participants is limited. Please register via the Pavillon website. Last-minute participants are welcome, provided there are still places available.

Foto: © Lucien Hervé
Included in admission fee
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