Opening: Margrit Linck, Pioneer of Ceramics

Thu, 30.11.2023
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Start: 7pm

Welcome: Christian Brändle, director, Museum für Gestaltung Zurich
Introduction: Nora Wüthrich, curator of the exhibition, Museum für Gestaltung Zurich

Margrit Linck (1897–1983) was the first woman in Switzerland to open her own pottery studio. Forming her pieces on the pottery wheel or freely by hand, she breathed new life into the craft with her distinctive formal language. Her extraordinary objects build a bridge between artistic and applied ceramics. Surrealistic animal/human figures, twisted sculptures, and asymmetrical shapes meet up with timeless geometric forms. Linck’s utilitarian ceramics are still painstakingly produced by hand today. As a tribute to the important Swiss ceramics pioneer, the exhibition showcases objects from all phases of her career alongside drawings, plans, and photographs, illustrating her enduring influence on contemporary ceramics.

Foto: Umberto Romito & Ivan Šuta, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK
free of charge
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