
The Poster Collection is one of the most extensive and important archives of its kind in the world. Over 380,000 posters, 150,000 of them researched and inventoried, document Swiss and international poster history—including political, commercial, and cultural posters—from its beginnings in the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. The geographical emphasis—itself determined by the history of poster design—is on Switzerland, Europe, Japan, Cuba, the former Soviet Union, and the United States. The collection is continually expanded and brought up to date in dialogue with contemporary output and acknowledging historical achievements. The collection’s historical, thematic, and geographical diversity offers both a survey of poster art and a look into a visual archive of the everyday world. In addition to the principal questions of graphics and typology, the collection also concentrates on a socio-political understanding of design, as posters reflect in a unique way the aesthetic and social processes of a particular era.



Collection Curation

Bettina Richter


Alessia Contin
Barbara Schenkel

The poster collection is supported by

Katze sitzt auf einem Baumast


Abstraktes Kunstwerk mit geometrischen Formen und stilisiertem Gesicht.
Ikko Tanaka, The 200th Anniversary of Sharaku, 1995
Familienfoto überlagert mit Graffiti-Texten und Kunst, NYC-Thema.
James Victore, School of Visual Arts, 2003
Poster eines grossen Dampfschiffs, das nach Südamerika fährt.
Adolphe Mouron Cassandre, L'Amérique du Sud, 1931
Zahnpasta und Zahnbürste in Glasbecher.",
Niklaus Stoecklin, Binaca, 1940
Werbeplakat für JOB Zigarettenpapier, Paris 1889.
Jane Atché, Papier à cigarettes Job, 1896
Poster für La Tribu mit Zirkus- und Tanzdetails in Pinktönen.
Catherine Zask, La Tribu iOta / L'Hippodrome Douai, 2002
Plakat der russischen Ausstellung in Zürich 1929 mit Skulpturenkopf und Architektur.
El' Lisickij, USSR / Russische Ausstellung / Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich, 1929