
Welcome to the media corner of the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. Here you will find all the information related to our exhibitions and our three locations.

The information is intended for media professionals and is for professional use only. Images may only be used in connection with the museum or the respective exhibition.

We look forward to your coverage and are available for any questions.

Contact us

Clelia Kanai
Head of Marketing & Communication
+41 43 446 67 04

Leona Veronesi
+41 43 446 67 17

Press materials for the anniversary

The Museum für Gestaltung Zürich celebrates its 150 years anniversary.

Media mailing list

Follow our latest exhibitions and events. Here you will receive exclusive invitations to previews and will always be the first to know about our upcoming highlights. Take the opportunity to access media materials and press information at an early stage.