Project documentation
The second year of the project ran in the run-up to an exhibition on the Swiss design pioneer Willy Guhl under the label "GuhlSchool". In this context, the Limmat School and the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich collaborated to organize the Museum Week Willy Guhl: Young and Today.
May 31 - June 3, 2022
Mishaile Honl, childcare specialist, Sophie Anderhub, digital placement employee, and Léo Pittoni, class teacher at Limmat School
Kindergarten and Primary School Limmat, museum team, teachers and interested parties
Together with designers and teachers, the students investigated the extent to which Guhl's ideas and approaches can also be interesting and relevant for young people today. The projects ranged from material experiments and furniture construction to photographic field research in public spaces.
In addition to projects that were designed for and with the individual classes, there were hands-on stations that could be visited by all children. They were also open to the museum team, teachers and other interested parties.
A screen printing station was set up in the middle of the schoolyard. Here, postcards were printed with motifs that had been drawn by secondary school pupils as part of the project lesson #3: AdvertisingReklame . The drawings were based on the Museumjung logo designed by Herendi Artemisio. The logo takes up the image of Willy Guhl's iconic Eternit beach chair, animated by attentive looking eyes. New perspectives are needed: Young people are watching you. The Museum für Gestaltung Zürich is curious about the ideas and opinions of children, teenagers and young adults.
The experiences and insights gained in the "GuhlSchool" were collected in order to further sharpen the profile of design education at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. They were directly implemented in the development of the interactive "Thinking" station in the exhibition Willy Guhl - Thinking with Your Hands (9 December 2022 - 26 March 2023) and in the planning of the education program and will lead to the conception of a new permanent exhibition of the collections, which will open on the occasion of the 150th anniversary in 2025 in the Toni-Areal
Photos: Simon Zangger (Museum Week)
Im Rahmen des dreijährigen Outreachprojekts (April 2021 bis März 2024) öffnete sich das Museum für Gestaltung Zürich jugendgemässen Fragestellungen und Perspektiven. Im Fokus standen dabei das in der Sammlung bewahrte Kulturerbe, das Ausloten der spezifischen Potenziale von Designvermittlung sowie museologische und strategische Fragestellungen.