Project documentation

Museumjung project kick-off

1 July, 2021

Museumjung brings young perspectives into everyday museum life and connects the museum with the local community. What makes the museum an open, interesting and lively place for children and young people? Where and how can they participate?


July 1, 2021


Museum, school building and exhibition street


Museumjung core team: Nicola von Albrecht, Karin Borer, class assistant, Domenika Chandra, Thomas Federspiel, head teacher, Monika Garavaglia, secondary school teacher, Mishaile Honl, class assistant, Felizitas Küng, kindergarten teacher, Léo Pittoni, primary school teacher, and Stefanie Scholz, head teacher

Idea/design flags

Domenika Chandra and Kostis Sotirakos, graphic designers

Target group

all pupils of the Limmat school

About the project

The project kicked off with a great spectacle. All the pupils of the Limmat school - from kindergarten to secondary school and classes from the Federal Asylum Center - as well as many teachers and museum staff took part in the event.

The museum management, school management and project management welcomed the pupils in the museum's lecture hall and introduced them to Museumjung: For three years, the children and young people take a close look at the museum, explore the building, its collections and exhibitions, experiment in the studio and other places and get involved in the museum projects. The museum needs the ideas and opinions of young people!

The pupils were each given a personal museum pass, which allowed them to move freely around the museum as young museum employees for the duration of the project, even when unaccompanied by adults.

Creative stations were set up in the school and museum: A long chain of painted flags was created together. Different motifs were designed using stencils. In the evening, over 320 flags were strung up between the school building and the museum using a pallet truck and a big party. No two flags were the same, but they all fitted together and contributed to the visual connection between the two institutions: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts!

The colorful flags became Museumjung's distinguishing mark for all activities in the neighborhood.


Bunte Stoffbanner hängen an einer Leine zum Trocken im Museum für Gestaltung.
Person malt ein rotes Rechteck auf gelbem Stoff, welcher als Fahnengirlande im Rahmen von Museumjung aufghängt wird.
Kinder spielen auf einem Karussell im Park vor dem Museum für Gestaltung.
Photos: Umberto Romito, Ivan Šuta


Im Rahmen des dreijährigen Outreachprojekts (April 2021 bis März 2024) öffnete sich das Museum für Gestaltung Zürich jugendgemässen Fragestellungen und Perspektiven. Im Fokus standen dabei das in der Sammlung bewahrte Kulturerbe, das Ausloten der spezifischen Potenziale von Designvermittlung sowie museologische und strategische Fragestellungen.