Project documentation
The museum and school are located right next to each other in the Kreis 5 industrial district. One of Museumjung's project goals was to sharpen the pupils' awareness of their designed environment.
20. / 22.4. 2021
Surroundings of museum and school, district 5 industrial quarter
Franziska Hess, employee placement
Nicola von Albrecht and Domenika Chandra
Primary school Limmat
As part of the Typo Rally, primary school classes explored the topic of type and typography in public spaces.
The children examined typefaces on consumer, tourism, cultural and political posters, first and foremost the museum's current posters in Klingenpark.
There were also many fonts to discover on and in the museum and school buildings. The backlit sans serif capitals MUSEUM FÜR GESTALTUNG are just one of the many examples of 3D lettering on buildings that were examined during the rally through the district.
The children discussed a wide variety of store logos and adhesive lettering on shop windows, SBB signage, lettering on road and traffic signs, bus and cycle path markings applied to the roads right in front of them and much more that caught their eye along the way.
The rally ended at one of the large plane trees in Klingenpark with a treasure chest full of postcards with examples of writing from the museum collections. Each child was allowed to choose a favorite motif and take it home with them.
The project lessons #1 FotoScouts, #8 From reality to photography and back again, #9 Experiencing spaces - designing spaces, the projects of the GuhlSchool Museum Week Looking and Collecting also focused on design in public spaces around the school and museum: Photography is more than a photo and Collecting photographically: Design the public space! as well as the Design Kids Club issues #12 and #13 Stadtmöbel/statt Möbel. Last but not least, the members of the youth collective took a look at design in the neighborhood in their contribution Jugendkollektiv: jung love Züri to the exhibition Collection Insights - Sieben Perspektiven (26.1. - 1.12.2024).
Im Rahmen des dreijährigen Outreachprojekts (April 2021 bis März 2024) öffnete sich das Museum für Gestaltung Zürich jugendgemässen Fragestellungen und Perspektiven. Im Fokus standen dabei das in der Sammlung bewahrte Kulturerbe, das Ausloten der spezifischen Potenziale von Designvermittlung sowie museologische und strategische Fragestellungen.