Project documentation

Project lessons #10: Quizmaker:innen

7 February, 2023

What makes the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich an attractive place for young people? Which themes, rooms and objects in the museum are they really fascinated by and why? Can they do anything at all with the collections?

Information on


December 13, 2022 - February 7, 2023


Studio, collection exhibitions and other places in the museum

Course management

Domenika Chandra

Target group

Secondary school Limmat

About the project

The aim ofQuizmaker:innen was to find out about the students' interests and preferences in a playful way. Their task was to develop a quiz for young people. The quiz creation program "Kahoot!" was used, which many students are familiar with and most have already played.

After tours of the museum and the collection exhibitions, they researched in the eGuide, leafed through museum publications and interviewed museum staff. The young teams independently selected their preferred topics and information about the museum for their "Kahoot!".

The whole group discussed how to make the quiz questions as entertaining and interesting as possible: How can they be fun, not too easy, but not too difficult either? In which order are the questions probably the most exciting? The time needed to answer the questions was also tested in practice.

In addition to the content, the students showed great interest in the design of the quiz. Depending on their personal preference, they had both analog and digital means at their disposal. Finally, they considered who should be invited to play.

In the Museumjung project, formats with digital tools from "Kahoot!" to AI (artificial intelligence) were tested and further developed for the education of other exhibitions at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. The experiences and findings will be incorporated into the concept and education program for the collections' new permanent exhibition, which will open in the Toni-Areal in 2025 to mark the museum's 150th anniversary.


Drei Schülerinnen arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Laptop.
Quizfrage über den Ulmer Hocker mit Wahr- oder Falsch-Optionen.
Frage bei einem Online-Quiz über die Plakatausstellung «Königinnendisziplin» des Museum für Gestaltung.
Frage über die Farbe von On-Schuhen mit Auswahlmöglichkeiten.


Im Rahmen des dreijährigen Outreachprojekts (April 2021 bis März 2024) öffnete sich das Museum für Gestaltung Zürich jugendgemässen Fragestellungen und Perspektiven. Im Fokus standen dabei das in der Sammlung bewahrte Kulturerbe, das Ausloten der spezifischen Potenziale von Designvermittlung sowie museologische und strategische Fragestellungen.