Project documentation

Project lessons #7: Collecting & designing

8 July, 2022

In the second year of the project, the focus was on the work and ideas of Swiss design pioneer Willy Guhl under the label "GuhlSchool". Based on Guhl's photographic "bench collection", collecting as a source of knowledge for design was also addressed.

Information on


March 4 - July 8, 2022


Atelier Museum, Brockenhaus

Course management

Domenika Chandra


Sophie Anderhub, Digital Education employee

Target group

Secondary school Limmat

About the project

Collecting & Design also took up ideas from the 2010 summer semester course in industrial design at Burg Giebichenstein in Halle: "Collect, discover, design, create product collections and discover relevant design approaches" (led by Guido Englich, Mark Braun and Tim Brauns).

Many designers create collections: They collect things, ideas, tools, images. What do such collections look like? How are they organized or categorized? How can collections inspire design processes? What and how do you collect? Which things go together? And why? In the project lessons, the students explored these questions in analog and digital form.

The students combined objects from the Brockenhaus and the hands-on object collection in the Education studio to create selected functional principles and documented their collections with sketches and photographs. With the help of the collaborative software "Figma", they created illustrations and visualized their collection projects in posters.

The results of their creative research were exhibited in the museum's vestibule from September 27 to October 23, 2022 under the title Museumjung: Sammeln & Gestalten.

The Museumjung project tested formats with digital tools ranging from "Kahoot!" to AI (artificial intelligence) and developed them further for the education of other exhibitions at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. The experiences and findings will be incorporated into the concept and education program for the new permanent exhibition of the collections, which will open in the Toni-Areal in 2025 to mark the 150th anniversary of the museum.


Projektzimmer mit Zeichnungen und Bastelarbeiten auf Schreibtischen und aufgehängt.
Gelbe Schwämme und Notizblöcke vor blauem Hintergrund.


Im Rahmen des dreijährigen Outreachprojekts (April 2021 bis März 2024) öffnete sich das Museum für Gestaltung Zürich jugendgemässen Fragestellungen und Perspektiven. Im Fokus standen dabei das in der Sammlung bewahrte Kulturerbe, das Ausloten der spezifischen Potenziale von Designvermittlung sowie museologische und strategische Fragestellungen.