Book and project presentation “Amplifications”

Special event
Thu, 30.5.2024
Pavillon Le Corbusier
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Christoph Rütimann, artist in conversation with Judith Luks, publisher edition clandestin, Francesca Petrarca, graphic designer edition clandestin, Zsuzsanna Gahse, writer, Francine Eggs and Andreas Bitschin, artists and curators. Moderated by Dr Marvin Altner, art historian.

To mark the 90th anniversary of the Fondation suisse in Paris, artists from France, Switzerland, Germany and Ukraine organised a multidisciplinary exhibition project in the Pavillon Le Corbusier. This icon of modernist architecture in the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris was likewise the venue, theme and area of friction for the artists in the exhibition Amplifications curated by Francine Eggs and Andreas Bitschin. Zurich artist Christoph Rütimann was involved in the project with the double video projection Handrail Pavilion Le Corbusier Paris and Handrail Pavilion Le Corbusier Zurich in dialogue. The book accompanying the exhibition, published by edition clandestin (Biel), will be presented by the editors and others in a presentation and panel discussion.

The number of participants is limited. Please register via the Pavillon website. Last-minute participants are welcome, provided there are still places available.

Francine Eggs & Andreas Bitschin, Immersion polychrome, Foto: © Olivier Lovey
Included in admission fee
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