Japanese Graphic Design Today & Helmut Schmid Typography

Thu, 11.7.2024
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This summer, the two exhibitions Japanese Graphic Design Today and Helmut Schmid Typography will focus on the theme of Japan, in keeping with the 160th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Switzerland, which the two countries will celebrate in 2024.

Start: 7 pm
Welcome: Christian Brändle, Director Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Introduction Helmut Schmid Typography: Barbara Junod, curator of the Graphics Collection, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Introduction Japanese Graphic Design Today: Alexandre Dimos, curator and Damian Fopp, curator Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

With translation into sign language (DSGS)

Links: 06 Kazunari Hattori, Drapeaux et Gâteaux, Plakat, 2007 © Kazunari Hattori, rechts: Helmut Schmid, Energen, Dosen, ID, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, 1993, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Grafiksammlung
free of charge
Deutsch, English
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