learn moreabout Jakob Kudsk Steensen: Berl-Berl – A Live-Simulation
learn moreabout Textile Manifestos - From Bauhaus to Soft Sculpture
learn moreabout The Best of 2024
learn moreabout Hopeful green: nature, food, and sustainability in poster advertising
learn moreabout Stephan Hürlemann: FELLOW
learn moreabout Our daily bread
Guided tour of the exhibition
Have you been designing today? Our diverse educational offerings provide exceptional insights into various design topics.
learn moreabout Youth & adults
Help shape things from an early age! There are workshops, guided tours and more especially for children and their companions.
learn moreabout Children & Families
The museum offers schoolchildren and trainees a versatile learning and experimental platform on current design topics.
learn moreabout Schools
The museum offers a variety of activities that people with and without disabilities can take part in together.
learn moreabout Accessible & inclusive
As a member, you support the museum and receive numerous privileges at the same time.
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